Coating-type polarizing films with
a high dichroic ratio (DR) and
polarization efficiency in the visible region were fabricated using
a solution of ternary lyotropic chromonic liquid crystals (LCLCs).
Optical characteristics of these anisotropic LCLC polarizing films
were then determined. DR increased with increasing LCLC concentrations.
Molecular ordering of these LCLCs on a rubbed polyimide (PI) layer
increased because LCLC molecules’ orientation was enhanced
by the dielectric anisotropy effect from rubbing the surface of the
PI. In addition, this study demonstrated how the interaction between
liquid crystal aggregates and the PI surface with different LCLC solutions
correlated with LCLC molecular orientations on the PI which is significantly
dependent on whether the coating direction of the LCLC solution was
parallel or perpendicular to the PI rubbing direction. It was found
that the ordering direction at high LCLC concentrations was determined
by shearing direction of the LCLC solution coating, whereas the ordering
direction at low LCLC concentrations was governed by the dielectric
anisotropy effect from the PI rubbing direction.