Abstract. Systemic ciliatosis caused by histophagous ciliates constitutes a serious disease of cultured turbot. Six ciliate isolates were obtained from parasitized turbot during six epizootics at four different farms located in Spain, France and Portugal. Axenic cultures of the six isolates were obtained by periodical subculturing in ATCC 1651MA or supplemented L-15 media. In basal media or seawater, the parasites could survive starving for long periods with no apparent proliferation. In adequate media, growth kinetics was found to be very similar for isolates A and B, with a clear influence of temperature. Morphological studies demonstrated that all isolates share common features that allows their assignment to either Philasterides Kahl, 1931 or Miamiensis Thompson et Moewus, 1964. However, statistically significant differences were evident in pairwise comparisons of the isolates from the four farm sites in 16 taxonomically relevant morphometric features. This could allow the discrimination of different species or strains. Virulence of isolates A and B for healthy turbot was tested in several experiments. Differences in the virulence were especially evident after long-term in vitro culturing, isolate A being clearly attenuated after 35-42 passages, whereas isolate B became more virulent after 20-42 passages. The need of further studies to confirm such virulence variability and its implications in pathogenesis and prevention of turbot scuticociliatoses is stressed.Scuticociliates are ciliate protozoans (Ciliophora) occurring abundantly in eutrophic coastal and saprobic maricultural waters. Some of them can behave as opportunistic histophagous parasites causing severe infections in crustaceans and fish. Small (1967) proposed the new order Scuticociliatida including the suborders Pleuronematina, Pseudocohnilembina and Philasterina. Further revisions of the Ciliophora (Lynn and Small 2000) granted scuticociliates the level of subclass (Scuticociliatia), and the suborder Philasterina was ranked as order (Philasterida). Since the criteria used hitherto to classify the families, genera and species of scuticociliates have been variable, the taxonomy of these organisms is currently rather confusing.Recently, different scuticociliates have become an important threat for cultured marine fish such as tuna and different flatfish. Fatal encephalitis of bluefin tuna, attributed to Uronema nigricans, was reported by Munday et al. (1997). Among flatfish, Jee et al. (2001) described scuticociliatosis of Japanese flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus. In turbot, different episodes of scuticociliatosis have been reported in Spain (Dyková and Figueras 1994, Iglesias et al. 2001, authors' unpublished data) and Norway (Sterud et al. 2000). Only in one of these turbot epizootics the causative organism was identified to specific level as Philasterides dicentrarchi Dragesco, Dragesco, Coste, Gasc, Romestand, Raymond et Bouix, 1995by Iglesias et al. (2001. This species was originally described from an episode of Mediterranean seabass (Dice...