SUMMARY -Articular eminence inclination (AEI) of the temporomandibular joint leads the mandible in its movements. Th erefore, the aim of the present study was to determine AEI values in medieval (MP) and recent (RP) Croatian population. Th e study was carried out on two groups of specimens: fi rst group with 30 MP human dry skulls, while the other, serving as control group consisted of 137 dry skulls. Th e AEI was measured on lateral digital skull images as the angle between the best fi t line drawn along the posterior wall of the articular eminence and the Frankfurt horizontal plane. No statistically signifi cant (p>0.05) diff erences between the left and right side AEI were found between MP skulls and RP skulls. Th e mean value of MP AEI was 45.5˚, with a range of 20.9˚-64˚. Th e mean RP AEI value was steeper (61.99˚), with a range of 30˚-94˚. Diff erence between the mean MP and RP AEI values was statistically signifi cant (p<0.05). Values of AEI vary a lot. Nonsignifi cant diff erences between the left and right side AEI confi rmed the natural left-right side asymmetry. Th e values of AEI diff er between the RP and MP groups, most probably due to diff erent type of food consumption in medieval time, and consequently diff erent masticatory loads and forces.