This study examines middle school students' learning and motivation as they engaged in a new media enriched problem-based learning (PBL) environment for middle school science. Using a mixed-method design with both quantitative and qualitative data, we investigated the effect of a new media environment on sixth graders' science learning, their motivation, and the relationship between students' motivation and their science learning. The analysis of the results showed that: Students significantly increased their science knowledge from pretest to posttest after using the PBL program, they were motivated and enjoyed the experience, and a significant positive relationship was found between students' motivation scores and their science knowledge posttest scores. Findings were discussed within the research framework.Keywords Motivation Á Engagement Á New media technology Á Problem-based learning Á Middle school science Research shows that motivation plays an important role in influencing learning and achievement (Ames 1990). When sufficiently motivated, students tend to approach challenging tasks more eagerly, persist in difficult situations, and take pleasure in their achievement (Stipek 1993). Strong correlations have been found between intrinsic motivation and academic achievement (Cordova and Lepper 1996;Lepper et al. 2005). Research has also shown that instructional context strongly affects students' motivation. Instructional materials that are challenging, give students choices, and promote perceived autonomy and self-determination can positively effect motivation (Hidi and Harackiewicz 2000).Second through fourth authors are listed in an alphabetical order.