■ dialysis ■ nursing care time ■ chronic kidney disease Do differences in clinical conditions affect the nursing care time of dialysis patients? T he number of patients in western societies with chronic kidney disease has slowly increased in recent years (Divo et al, 2014). However, the number of in-centre haemodialysis patients in the Netherlands has stabilised (Hoekstra et al, 2017;, partly due to a higher number of renal transplants in the Netherlands. As a result of increased renal transplants, the dialysis population has changed in recent years to an older population with multimorbidity, which means that nurses who work in dialysis centres are working with older patients who need more nursing care time (Kleijn et al, 2020). Furthermore, older patients (over 75 years) with end-stage renal disease are at increased risk for cognitive decline (Berkhout-Byrne et al, 2017) and, additionally, there is an increasing shortage of (renal) nurses.These challenges mean that generally applicable planning tools for nursing resources are needed.