Rodríguez-Nieto, M. J., G. Peces-Barba, N. Gonzá lez Mangado, M. Paiva, and S. Verbanck. Similar ventilation distribution in normal subjects prone and supine during tidal breathing. J Appl Physiol 92: 622-626, 2002; 10.1152/japplphysiol.00574.2001.-Multiple-breath washout (MBW) tests, with end-expiratory lung volume at functional residual capacity (FRC) and 90% O2, 5% He, and 5% SF6 as an inspired gas mixture, were performed in healthy volunteers in supine and prone postures. The semilog plot of MBW N2 concentrations was evaluated in terms of its curvilinearity. The MBW N2 normalized slope analysis yielded indexes of acinar and conductive ventilation heterogeneity (Verbanck S, Schuermans D, Van Muylem A, Paiva M, Noppen M, and Vincken W. J App Physiol 83: 1907Physiol 83: -1916Physiol 83: , 1997. Also, the difference between SF6 and He normalized phase III slopes was computed in the first MBW expiration. Only MBW tests with similar FRC in the prone and supine postures (P Ͼ 0.1; n ϭ 8) were considered. Prone and supine postures did not reveal any significant differences in curvilinearity, N2 normalized slope-derived indexes of conductive or acinar ventilation heterogeneity, nor SF6-He normalized phase III slope difference in the first MBW expiration (P Ͼ 0.1 for all). The absence of significant changes in any of the MBW indexes suggests that ventilation heterogeneity is similar in the supine and prone postures of normal subjects breathing near FRC. ventilation heterogeneity; tidal breathing; posture; phase III slope SINCE THE WORK of Piehl and Brown (15), showing improved gas exchange in patients when they are positioned in the prone posture, several authors have confirmed these findings (5). The exact reason for improved gas exchange remains uncertain, but it is most often sought in the redistribution of lung ventilation, perfusion, or both. Research into the actual beneficial effect of prone ventilation is hampered by the many confounding factors that can affect the study outcomes. For instance, Tokics et al. (19) have shown that, in supine, anaesthetized, mechanically ventilated patients, nondependent lung regions receive a larger fraction of the inhaled volume, in contrast to what is observed in awake normal subjects. Also, the lung volume at which measurements of perfusion and/or ventilation are done in supine and prone postures will affect the results, yet the actual lung volumes with the test subjects supine and prone are rarely reported.Whereas Kaneko et al. (9) had suggested that the pleural pressure gradient does not change between prone and supine postures, a recent study by Mayo et al. (11), using magnetic resonance imaging in humans, estimated that the pleural pressure gradient is three times smaller prone than supine. Potential differences of top-to-bottom ventilation distribution could also be linked to the different location of the heart with respect to the portion of the dependent lung regions that it is compressing (1). In the prone posture, the heart is seen to be mainly resting on the sternu...