Inaccurate reporting of energy intake makes it difficult to study the associations between diet and weight status. This study examined reported energy intake at age 9 years as a predictor of girls' body mass index (BMI) at age 11 years, before and after adjusting for parents' BMI and girls' pubertal status. This prospective, observational cohort study included 177 non-Hispanic white girls and their parents. When the subjects were 9 years of age, three 24-hour recalls were used to categorize girls as plausible or implausible over-reporters and under-reporters based on previously published methods. Height and weight was measured to calculate BMI. Linear and hierarchical regression analyses were used to predict girls' BMI. Results revealed that girls who under-reported had significantly higher BMIs than plausible and overreporters. Among the total sample and among implausible reporters, reported energy intake was not a significant predictor of BMI; however, among plausible reporters, reported energy intake explained 14% of the variance in BMI and remained a significant predictor after adjusting for parental BMI and girls' pubertal status. Systematic bias related to underreporting in dietary data can obscure relationships with weight status, even among young girls. A relatively simple analytical procedure can be used to identify the magnitude and nature of reporting bias in dietary data.Obesity and overweight are due to an imbalance between energy intake and energy expenditure, in which intake exceeds expenditure (1). Among youth, previous research has failed to consistently reveal positive relations between reported energy intake and weight status (2-4). This has led to the conclusion that low energy expenditure, rather than excessive energy intake, is responsible for weight gain and an increase in overweight among adolescents (2). However, failure to note relations between reported energy intake and weight status may be due to bias in reporting dietary intake. Doubly labeled water studies reveal weight-related reporting bias among older children and adults, with heavier children under-reporting to a greater extent than thinner children (5-9).Although doubly labeled water studies provide clear evidence for bias in reporting of energy intake (9-12), it is expensive and laboratory-based, which is not feasible for use in screening most studies. Recently, Huang and colleagues developed screening procedures, using the logic developed in the use of doubly labeled water studies, to allow the classification of individuals as plausible, under-reporters, and over-reporters (13,14) The purpose of this research was to examine the extent to which girls' reported energy intake assessed at age 9 years predicted girls' body mass index (BMI) at age 11 years, before and after adjusting for pubertal status and parent BMI. Girls were classified as plausible or implausible under-reporters and over-reporters, based on the method of Huang and colleagues (15), to test the hypothesis that (1) under-reporters would be heavier than ...