OBJECTIVE -Compared with Caucasians, obese African-American adolescents have a higher risk for type 2 diabetes. Subclinical inflammation and reduced glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) concentration are linked to the pathogenesis of the disease. We determined the relationship between insulin resistance, -cell activity, and subclinical inflammation with GLP-1 concentrations and whether racial disparities in GLP-1 response were present in 49 obese adolescents (14 Ϯ 3 years; 76% African American; 71% female).
RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS -Subjects underwent physical examinationand an oral glucose tolerance test. We measured levels of high-sensitivity CRP (CRP hs ), fibrinogen, glucose, GLP-1 total , GLP-1 active , and insulin. Insulin and glucose area under the curve (AUC), insulinogenic index (⌬I30/⌬G30), and composite insulin sensitivity index (CISI) were computed. Subjects were categorized by race and as inflammation positive (INFϩ) if CRP hs or fibrinogen were elevated.RESULTS -No racial differences were seen in mean or relative BMI. Thirty-five percent of subjects had altered fasting or 2-h glucose levels (African American vs. Caucasian, NS), and 75% were INFϩ (African American vs. Caucasian, P ϭ 0.046). Glucose and insulin, CISI, and ⌬I30/⌬G30 values were similar; African Americans had lower GLP-1 total AUC (P ϭ 0.01), GLP-1 active at 15 min (P ϭ 0.03), and GLP-1 active AUC (P ϭ 0.06) and higher fibrinogen (P ϭ 0.01) and CRP hs (NS) compared with Caucasians.