Employee level of productivity is one of the many possible outcomes of ethical issues in an organization. An organization with strong ethical beliefs leads to a greater sense of commitment among its employees. The purpose of this research paper was to establish the relationship between organizational ethics and employee level of productivity in higher education institution (private university) in Nigeria. The researcher utilized both explorative and cross-sectional survey research method to gather the needed information. The participants of the study were faculty of Covenant University from the College of Development Studies (CDS) and College of Science and Technology (CST). The population for this study was 390 academic staff of Covenant University out of which a sample of 198 participants were determined using Yard's formula. The gathered data were analysed with the use of frequency, percentage, standard multiple regression analysis and correlation analysis. The findings of the study revealed that Wasted Time, Leisure, Degree of Gratification, Self-Reliance, Centrality of Work, Hard Work, and Morality are not statistically significant to employee rewards and hours worked. The study recommends that: 1.) Private universities should embark on creating leisure periods for their faculty in order to increase their level of productivity; 2.) Private universities should continue to use reward system and increase promotion as a way of maintaining faculty loyalty.