1 A technique is described for obtaining a myometrial preparation devoid of endometrium, from the uterus of the rat in oestrus.2 Acetylcholine and prostaglandin F2a, (PGF2a) produced concentration-effect curves with the same maximal tensions and slope on the whole uterus and myometrial preparations. Concentration-effect curves to bradykinin and oxytocin on the myometrial preparation were altered, resulting in a shift to the right and a decreased maximum response compared with those produced by the whole uterus. 3 Indomethacin produced greater antagonism of the responses of the whole uterus to bradykinin and oxytocin than to acetylcholine and PGF2,, whereas responses of the myometrium to all four agonists were similarly depressed. 4 Responses of the myometrial preparation to a range of concentrations of bradykinin and oxytocin were significantly enhanced by prior sensitization of the myometrium to PGF2,,. This significant enhancing effect of PGF2,, was only seen with the threshold dose of acetylcholine.5 It appears that the mechanism of action of bradykinin and oxytocin on the rat uterus involves both a direct action and an indirect action. The indirect action possibly involves release of prostaglandin(s) from the endometrium.