1 The dose-related effects of the selective a2-adrenoceptor agonists clonidine, UK-14,304 and B-HT 933 on the body temperature of untreated and reserpine-treated mice were investigated. 2 In untreated mice all three agonists induced a dose-related hypothermia. The highest doses of UK-14,304 and B-HT 933, 3 and lOOmgkg-I respectively, elicited a marked (10C) hypothermia, whereas the maximal hypothermic effect of clonidine (5.50C) was less pronounced and reached a plateau at a dose of 0.5 mg kg-i.p. 3 Reserpine (2.5mg kg-1, s.c.) induced a marked hypothermia in the mouse; 18 h after injection body temperature had decreased to only slightly (0.5-1.50C) above ambient (19'C). 4 All three a2-agonists produced a partial dose-related reversal of reserpine-induced hypothermia; maximal thermogenic responses (9-100C increases in body temperature) were elicited by doses of 0.2, 0.5 and 16mgkg-I i.p. of clonidine, UK-14,304 and B-HT 933 respectively, and the log doseresponse curves for all 3 agonists were bell-shaped. 5 Following intracerebroventricular administration to reserpine-treated mice, the thermogenic response to clonidine was more rapid in onset, and the agonist was 20 fold more potent than when injected i.p.6 The selective a2-adrenoceptor antagonists, idazoxan (0.05-0.5 mgkg-'), Wy 26392 (0.3-5.0mg kg 1) and yohimbine (0.1-1.6mg kg 1) given orally attenuated the thermogenic responses to all 3 agonists in reserpinized mice in a dose-related manner. Pretreatment with a single dose of idazoxan (0.3 mg kg 1, orally) elicited a 6 fold parallel shift to the right in the dose-response curve to clonidine. 7 The selective al-adrenoceptor antagonists, prazosin (lOmgkg 1) and indoramin (3-lOmgkg-'), and the f,-adrenoceptor antagonist, propranolol (lOmgkg 1), only partially attenuated the thermogenic responses to the a2-agonists in reserpinized mice. These effects were variable and not clearly dose-related. 8 Pretreatment of reserpinized mice with the catecholamine synthesis inhibitor, a-methyl-p-tyrosine, markedly attenuated (60-95%) the thermogenic response to the noradrenaline uptake inhibitor, desipramine (0.13-12.5mgkg-1, i.p.), but only slightly reduced (10-35%) that to clonidine (0.032-0.5 mg kg-1, i.p.). 9 These results suggest that a2-adrenoceptor agonists reverse reserpine-induced hypothermia via a central mechanism involving activation of postsynaptic a2-adrenoceptors.