Almost 30 years ago Powers et al. [1] reported that oxygen consumption (VO 2 ) may covary with oxygen delivery (DO 2 ) during changes in cardiac output induced by the administration of positive end-expiratory pressure in patients suffering with acute respiratory distress syndrome. This concept of VO 2 /DO 2 dependence opened an exciting area of research in the critical care area. In the following years various studies observed VO 2 /DO 2 dependence in patients with sepsis [2,3] or acute respiratory distress syndrome [4]. However, the methodology of some of these studies was questioned, and this led to a controversy about the reality of VO 2 /DO 2 dependence in critically ill patients. In this issue, the article by Schaffartzik et al. [5] sheds new light in a very foggy area.The relationship between VO 2 and DO 2 is complex. When oxygen demand is stable, VO 2 remains unaffected by changes in DO 2 under normal conditions since changes in oxygen extraction (EO 2 ) by the tissues compensate the decrease in DO 2 . However, when DO 2 is further decreased, the extraction capability of the tissues is exceeded, and VO 2 becomes dependent on DO 2 . This biphasic relationship with both dependent and independent parts, as well as a critical DO 2 (DO 2crit ), VO 2 (VO 2crit ) and EO 2 (EO 2crit ), has been well characterized in experimental conditions [6,7]. Under these conditions the administration of live bacteria [6] or endotoxin [7] has been shown to induce a marked decrease in EO 2crit and an increase in DO 2crit . In humans determination of the VO 2 /DO 2 relationship is far more difficult. Until now only two studies have observed this biphasic relationship. Van Woerkens et al. [8] reported a level of DO 2crit of 184 ml min ±1 M ±2 during profound hemodilution in the case of nonseptic bleeding in a member of the Jehovah's Witnesses. During therapy withdrawal in dying Ronco et al. [9] observed that DO 2crit is similar in septic and nonseptic patients. However, this would not eliminate the possibility that VO 2 /DO 2 dependence exists in some patients with sepsis. Indeed, these patients were studied late in their course with multiple organ failure, which may be the consequence of previous rather than ongoing sepsis.The evaluation of VO 2 /DO 2 relationships is far more difficult in critically ill patients. For ethical reasons the VO 2 /DO 2 relationship cannot be studied across the entire range, as Ronco et al.[9] investigated their dying patients. Hence VO 2 should be analyzed during acute changes in DO 2 to determine whether VO 2 covaries with DO 2 . These changes have usually been obtained by fluid infusion [2] or by the administration of vasoactive agents [3] or positive end-expiratory pressure [1,4]. Using these methods, numerous studies have observed that VO 2 /DO 2 dependence can occur in septic patients with acute circulatory failure and elevated lactate levels [2, 3, 10]. Interestingly, Friedman et al. [10] observed that VO 2 /DO 2 dependence resolves when circulatory failure recovers.However, several methodologi...