“…Furthermore, given that both types of precues shorten the attentional time of contact but diVer in terms of sensory increases at the target location, Luiga and Bachmann suggested that the localized stimulation (e.g., the local exogenous precue), regardless of its attentional eVects, may facilitate sensory processing of successive stimuli (e.g., the target) thus attenuating OSM with localized exogenous but not central endogenous precues. As suggested by Luiga and Bachmann, this account of the eVect of diVerent types of precues on OSM tends to be more closely related to a feed-forward model of substitution masking, thus questioning the re-entrant model proposed by Enns and Di Lollo. Given the importance of the theoretical implications of the results reported by Luiga and Bachmann (2007), the aim of the present study was to further examine the dissociation between the eVects of exogenous (Experiment 1) and endogenous precueing (Experiment 2) on OSM. Two experiments are reported, both examining the time course of possible attenuating eVects on OSM by precueing attention to the upcoming target location, using a wide range of cue-target SOAs and a trailing mask duration of 0 and 160 ms. To preview the outcome of the two experiments, signiWcant attenuation of OSM with both exogenous and endogenous precueing was found, albeit at diVerent SOAs as could be expected based on the characteristic time courses of attentional eVects produced by the two types of precues (i.e., faster attentional orienting with exogenous precues; Cheal and Lyon, 1991;Müller and Rabbitt, 1989).…”