D'Agostino DP, Colomb DG Jr, Dean JB. Effects of hyperbaric gases on membrane nanostructure and function in neurons. J Appl Physiol 106: 996 -1003, 2009. First published September 27, 2008 doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.91070.2008.-This mini-review summarizes current ideas of how hyperbaric gases (Ͼ1-10 atmospheres absolute) affect neuronal mechanisms of excitability through molecular interaction with membrane components. The dynamic nature of the lipid bilayer, its resident proteins, and the underlying cytoskeleton make each respective nanostructure a potential target for modulation by hyperbaric gases. Depending on the composition of the gas mixture, the relative concentrations of O 2 and inert gas, and total barometric pressure, the net effect of a particular gas on the cell membrane will be determined by the gas' 1) lipid solubility, 2) ability to oxidize lipids and proteins (O 2), and 3) capacity, in the compressed state, to generate localized shear and strain forces between various nanostructures. A change in the properties of any one membrane component is anticipated to change conductance of membrane-spanning ion channels and thus neuronal function.anesthesia; barosensitivity; free radicals; inert gas narcosis; nitrogen narcosis; oxidative stress; oxygen toxicity THE RANGE OF HYPERBARIC PRESSURE that humans can survive, without protection from a sealed 1-atmosphere pressure suit or submersible, extends from just beneath sea level [1 atmosphere absolute (ATA) 1 ] down to a maximum pressure of ϳ70 ATA, which is equivalent to ϳ2,300 feet of seawater (fsw) (26, 30).
2The caveat, of course, is that the aquanaut descending over this continuum of increasing ambient pressure must use specialized breathing equipment that delivers gas to their lungs at a pressure equivalent to ambient pressure. The level of inspired O 2 and the mixture of balance gases have to be selected carefully for the desired depth to avoid the powerful, wideranging, but harmful effects on neurological function of breathing hyperbaric O 2 (HBO 2 ) and hyperbaric N 2 (HBN 2 ). This means decreasing the fractional concentration of N 2 in air to Ͻ0.79 to avert the euphoric irrationality of inert gas narcosis (IGN), otherwise known as N 2 narcosis, and carefully regulating inspired O 2 to avoid the violent, uncontrollable seizures of central nervous system (CNS) O 2 toxicity (reviewed in Ref. 30). At even greater depths, in the absence of CNS O 2 toxicity and IGN, diver performance can still be impaired by a constellation of debilitating symptoms known collectively as highpressure nervous syndrome (HPNS), which includes, but is not limited to, muscular tremors, loss of coordination and memory deficits (30,84).In each case, hyperbaria is the requisite condition for induction and maintenance of neurological dysfunction. The diversity of molecular and cellular mechanisms responsible for each neurological condition is readily apparent when the suspected underlying causes are considered: CNS O 2 toxicity is attributed to the harmful effects of various sp...