The bradycardia produced by pyridost]gmine and physos"dgrnine in an animal model of acute cardiac denervation was examined according to its relation to cholinesterase inhibition and sens~ to block by d~inergic receptor antagonists.Methods: Cats were anaesthetised, vagotomisecl and propranolo~tmated. Heart rate was continuously recorded. Erythrocyte cholines~rase activity of arterial blood was measured using a radiometric technique. Nicotinic and muscarinic M~ receptors were blocked with hexamethonium and pirenzepine, respeclm~ly. M 2 receptors were blocked with gallarnine, pancuronium and AFDX-116. Results: W~ pyridostigrnine and physostigmine, the close-response relationship for the decrease in heart rate (EDs0 1,05 -0.25 and 0.198 ---0.03 -j, respectively)was shiff~ to the right of that for the inhibition of cholinesterase activity (ED m 0,094 + 0.03 and 0.032 -0.01 mg'kg -j, respectively). The decrease in cholinesterase activity reached a plateau at a cumulative dose of 0.56 ---0.08 and 0.32 --+ 0.08 -~, respectively. In contrast, there did not appear to be a plateau in the bradycardic effect. The bradycardia produced by pyridostigrnine and physoslJgmine was blocked by hemmethonium (F..Ds010 _ 1.3 and 15.3 +-2.4 mg-kg -I, respectively), pirenzepine (EDs068 __. 16 and 138 +_ 32/ -t, respectively), gallamine (56 -+ II and 67 -+ 17 -I , respectively ), pancuronium 02 -+ 10 and 30 -+ 4 pg'kg -t, respectively), and AFDX-I 16 (31 + 4 and 28 +-4/~g'kg -~, respectively). Condmiom The bradycardia produced by reversible anticholinesterase drugs containing a carbamyl group is not dearly related to the degree of cholinesterase activity, and has a low sensitivity to nicotinic and muscarinic M, and a high sem~ to muscarinic M 2 re~ptor antagonists.Objeetif : Examiner si la bradycardie provoquEe par la physo~grnine et la pyridostigrnine sur un mod61e de d~-nervation cardiaque animal est en rapport avec I'inhibition de la cholinest&ase et la sensibilitE au bloc du r~cepteur cholinergique par ses antagonistes. M~hod~ : Des chats ont Et6 anesthEsiC~s, vagotomisEs et trait& au propanolol. Leur frEquence cardiaclue a 6t6 enregistr~ continuellement. Une technique radion'Wuique a permis de mesurer dans le sang art~riel I'actMt' E de la cholinest~rase &ythrocytaire. On a bloquE les rvacepteurs nicotiniques avec de I'hexamC~onium et les rEcepteurs muscariniques M. avec de la pirenz6pine. Les r&:epteurs M z &alent bloclu~s avec de la gallamine, du pancuronium et de I'AFDX-I I g.