A general theory of electric charge is proposed. It is based on two phenomenologies. Electric charge mutation and conservation law. Three charges {+, −, 0} transformations physics succeeds. Quantum field theory underlies corresponding creations and annihilation. A potential field's quadruplet is ruled. Microscopic electromagnetism is processed by four vectors bosons intermediations.The electromagnetism closure is accomplished. The quadrupletµ } completeness introduces the most generic EM energy flux between electric charges. Charge mutation includes that besides usual photon, EM phenomena is enlarged by massive and charged photons. Charge conservation associates these four vector fields. Electric charge symmetry, extends EM for an abelian symmetry U Q ≡ U (1) × SO(2) global . A new EM Lagrangian beyond Maxwell results. A symmetry equation for electric charge is established through Noether theorem.The electric charge transfer physics extends the EM phenomenon. Nonlinear Electromagnetic fields modified electric charge symmetry, new EM regimes. Potential fields become a physical entity producing conglomerates, collective fields, mass, sources, charges, monopoles, forces. EM features ruled from an extended electric charge abelian symmetry. Systemic, nonlinear, neutral, spintronics, photonics, electroweak EM regimes are constituted.