We investigate structural properties of the cone of roots of relative Steiner polynomials of convex bodies. We prove that they are closed, monotonous with respect to the dimension, and that they cover the whole upper half-plane, except the positive real axis, when the dimension tends to infinity. In particular, it turns out that relative Steiner polynomials are stable polynomials if and only if the dimension is ≤ 9. Moreover, pairs of convex bodies whose relative Steiner polynomial has a complex root on the boundary of such a cone have to satisfy some Aleksandrov-Fenchel inequality with equality. An essential tool for the proofs of the results is the characterization of Steiner polynomials via ultra-logconcave sequences.This expression is called Minkowski-Steiner formula or relative Steiner formula of K. The coefficients W i (K; E) are the relative quermassintegrals of K, and they are a special case of the more general defined mixed volumes for which we refer to [18, s. 5.1]. In particular, we have W 0 (K; E) = vol(K),2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 52A20, 52A39; Secondary 30C15.