In this contribution we present a report on two atomic/molecular databases for collisional and radiative processes, BEAMDB and MolD, which are web services at the Serbian Virtual Observatory (SerVO) and nodes within the Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Center (VAMDC). Within the BEAMDB there are mainly electron scattering cross section data, but having in mind the importance of spectroscopic data obtained by particle collisions, we also provide a number of electron energy loss spectra and threshold electron spectra. Electron loss spectroscopy with its complementarity to the photon absorption data, provides valuable information on the optically forbidden atomic and molecular transitions. The MolD database contains photodissociation cross sections for the individual ro-vibrational states of the diatomic molecular ions as well as corresponding data on molecular species and molecular state characterizations. The data can be used for further applications, e.g., for non-local thermal equilibrium modeling of early universe chemistry, modeling of the solar atmosphere, atmospheres of white dwarfs, etc.