To describe the efficacy of the sclerosing agent 1% polidocanol in the treatment of a suspected nasolacrimal duct cyst in a dog.
Animal Studied
A 5‐year‐old castrated male Golden Retriever with chronic epiphora of the right eye.
Ocular examination revealed epiphora and a negative Jones test of the right eye and was otherwise normal. Computed tomography with dacryocystography confirmed a cystic structure in the right ventral orbit that extended into the caudal nasal cavity adjacent to the orbit, causing partial physical obstruction of the right nasolacrimal duct. Cytologic analysis of fluid from the lesion was supportive of a diagnosis of a cyst. One percent polidocanol (compounded, People's Custom Rx, Memphis, TN) was injected into the cyst.
Epiphora was resolved by two weeks post‐injection. Repeated computed tomography with dacryocystography was performed 8 months post‐injection, revealing complete resolution of the cyst and demonstrating mild enophthalmos of the right globe.
Intralesional 1% polidocanol therapy was successful in resolving a suspected nasolacrimal duct cyst in a dog.