Although erythroderma is a well-recognized entity in the adult age groups and has been studied by various authors, there is a paucity of studies on erythroderma in the pediatric age group. It poses a greater challenge to the dermatologist and pediatrician because of its potential life threatening nature. In a study conducted by us in a large Indian hospital to delineate the causes of neonatal and infantile erythroderma, the causes identified were infections (40%), ichthyosiform erythroderma (25%), atopic dermatitis (15%), infantile seborrheic dermatitis (10%) and unidentified (10%). In another study of childhood erythroderma, etiologically, drugs (29%) showed the highest incidence, followed equally (18%) by genodermatoses, psoriasis and staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome (SSSS). The management of childhood erythroderma is mainly supportive with correction of the hematologic, biochemical and metabolic imbalance if required. In this review, the causes of childhood erythroderma, the clinical features useful to the diagnosis and management are discussed.