IntroductionMantle cell lymphoma (MCL) is an aggressive and mostly incurable B-cell malignancy accounting for 5% of non-Hodgkin lymphomas (NHLs). MCL arises from naive B cells (NBCs) in the mantle zone of lymph node follicles and is characterized by the t(11,14) chromosomal translocation leading to overexpression of cyclin D1 (CCND1). 1 However, murine models overexpressing CCND1 in the absence of other oncogenes, such as MYC, do not develop lymphoma, 2 implying that additional pathogenic mechanisms are involved in MCL. Cip/Kip proteins have an important role in the formation of active CDK4/cyclin D complexes. In NHLs other than MCL, p27(Kip) protein expression is inversely related to the proliferation activity of the tumors. 3 Apoptosis-related genes such as BCL2 have also been found to be altered in MCL with the use of different approaches. Homozygous deletions of BIM, a member of the BCL2 family, have also been found in MCL. 4 Epigenetic changes, such as methylation of gene promoters, have been shown to contribute to the pathogenesis of both solid and hematologic malignancies. 5 Single-locus studies analyzing methylation in MCL patient samples have shown hypermethylation of key genes, such as cell-cycle regulators p14 ARF and CDKN2A,6,7 protein phosphatase SHP-1 8 and Rho-adenosine triphosphatase PARG-1. 9 However these studies did not compare the methylation to NBCs, the normal counterparts of these malignant cells. 10 Several lines of evidence conclusively show NBCs to be the cell of origin of MCL, including immunoglobulin heavy chain mutation status, t (11,14) chromosomal breakpoint analysis, 11 and gene expression microarrays. 12,13 To develop a more comprehensive understanding of aberrant DNA methylation in MCL, we performed a genomewide analysis of MCL DNA methylation and gene expression with the use of purified normal NBCs as controls. We report that promoter DNA methylation is aberrantly distributed in the MCL genome compared with normal NBCs, and we identified aberrantly hypermethylated and hypomethylated genes that provide a basis for rational targeted therapy in this disease.
Patient samplesTissues and blood samples were obtained from patients newly diagnosed with MCL before any treatment after informed consent in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. Sample collection and laboratory studies were in compliance with institutional review board and Helsinki protocols. CD19 ϩ cells from 22 patients treated at the National Institutes of Health were purified by magnetic bead sorting from peripheral blood or pheresis products before freezing to ensure greater than 90% purity for HpaII tiny The publisher or recipient acknowledges right of the US government to retain a nonexclusive, royalty-free license in and to any copyright covering the article.The online version of this article contains a data supplement.The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge payment. Therefore, and solely to indicate this fact, this article is hereby marked ''advertisement'' in accorda...