The effects of serotonin (5-HT), a well-known immunomodulator and neurotransmitter, on the ionic permeability of a pre-B lymphocyte cell line was investigated with the whole-cell patch-clamp technique. We found that physiological doses of this biogenic amine regulate a voltage-gated potassium channel by activating different subsets of receptors. More specifically, 5-HT induces in the recorded cells (a) increase in the maximum potassium conductance, which is due to activation of 5-HT,-like receptors, and (ii) acceleration of the inactivation process that is under the control of 5-HT3 receptors and, accordingly, is mimicked by the 5-UT3 agonist, 2-methyl-5-HT; involvement of those two distinct categories of receptors was demonstrated by using specific antagonists that block predominantly one or the other of these two actions. These two results show that hormones can affect lymphocyte physiology through modulation of their ionic conductances in a way that might help explain some of the diverse effects of 5-HT on neuronal cells.Lymphocytes have receptors for a variety of hormones (for review, see ref. 1). Serotonin, a major neurotransmitter (see, for example, refs. 2-4), has also been reported to modulate various aspects of the immune response (5-10), although the specific molecular targets that mediate these effects are unidentified. In the nervous system, this transmitter operates, at least in part, by modulating potassium conductances (2,(11)(12)(13). Because a voltage-gated potassium channel is present in B lymphocytes (14), as in other cells ofthe immune system (15, 16), we investigated whether serotonin also modulates these channels in a pre-B cell line, found such to be the case, and further found that this amine acts on the activation and inactivation processes through distinct categories of receptors. This finding indicates common features for the effects of transmitters on the central nervous system and on the immune system.
METHODS Electrophysiological Recordings. Patch-clamp experimentswere done on the Abelson murine leukemia virus-infected 18-81 pre-B cell line (for details see ref. 14). Just before recording (at room temperature 22-240C), the cells were washed of culture medium and bathed in 150 mM NaCl/4 mM KCl/1 mM MgCl2/1 mM CaCl2/10 mM Hepes buffer, pH 7.2.The pipette solution was 140 mM KCl/4 mM NaCl/4 mM MgCl2/0.55 mM CaCl2/1.1 mM EGTA, pCa 7, 5 mM creatine phosphate/2.5 mM ATP/0.2 mM GTP/10 mM Hepes buffer, pH 7.2. Compounds for these, and for serotonin 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) (creatine sulfate complex) solutions were from Sigma. Stocks of 20 mM 5-HT were dissolved in Ringer's solution at the desired concentration just before use and applied through a slow perfusion system placed near the recorded cell (1-2 ml/min; dead volume, 400 IA).Current Parameter Measurements. The decaying part ofthe current is well-fitted by a single exponential function, and this property allows a simple estimate of the inactivation rates. In contrast, the activation kinetics display a more complex behavior [...