The malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum faces drastic osmotic changes during kidney passages and is engaged in the massive biosynthesis of glycerolipids during its development in the blood-stage. We identified a single aquaglyceroporin (PfAQP) in the nearly finished genome of P. falciparum with highest similarity to the Escherichia coli glycerol facilitator (50.4%), but both canonical Asn-Pro-Ala (NPA) motifs in the pore region are changed to Asn-Leu-Ala (NLA) and Asn-Pro-Ser (NPS), respectively. Expression in Xenopus oocytes renders them highly permeable for both water and glycerol. Sugar alcohols up to five carbons and urea pass the pore. Mutation analyses of the NLA/NPS motifs showed their structural importance, but the symmetrical pore properties were maintained. PfAQP is expressed in blood-stage parasites throughout the development from rings via trophozoites to schizonts and is localized to the parasite but not to the erythrocyte cytoplasm or membrane. Its unique bi-functionality indicates functions in the protection from osmotic stress and efficiently provides access to the serum glycerol pool for the use in ATP generation and primarily in the phospholipid synthesis.Malaria research profits tremendously from the efforts in genomic data acquisition from the Plasmodium sp. parasite. More than 27 megabases of genomic nucleotide information were available by October 2000 covering the 14 chromosomes to at least 90% (1). Now, chromosomes 2, 3, and 5 are complete; the others are in the final, gap closing stage. Using genome data, Woodrow et al. (2) identified a high affinity hexose transporter that allows the parasite to take up its main energy source, glucose, from the host serum. Surolia and Surolia (3) found a key enzyme of a de novo glycerolipid synthesis pathway in the P. falciparum genome and showed its inhibition by triclosan. Until then, the parasite was thought to be fully dependent on the uptake of lipid precursors from the serum (4).The massive synthesis of phospholipids is a hallmark in the metabolism of blood-stage parasites be it from precursors or de novo. As soon as the free parasite in its merozoite form has invaded an erythrocyte it begins a series of major transformations accompanied by rapid growth (5). In the ring stage, it starts to modulate the ionic composition of the red cell cytoplasm and a cytoadhesive protein (PfEMP1) with high affinity to blood vessel endothelia is inserted into the red cell membrane leading to sequestration (6). The next, trophozoite stage is characterized by the highest rates of metabolism and growth (7). Later, as schizonts, the parasite prepares its asexual multiplication by DNA replication. Finally, the red cell bursts and releases new schizont-derived merozoites to start another cycle. This 48-h process produces up to 32 merozoites, which means that the parasite has to multiply the amount of membrane lipids enormously (8). The parasite is devoid of a pathway for cholesterol biosynthesis. All newly synthesized membrane lipids are of the glycerolipid variety, ...