ABSTRACT. Cardiac effects of the neuropeptide pituitaryAbbreviations adenylate cyclase activating p o l y p e p t i d e -(~~~i~) have not previously been reported. W e investigated the influence of PACAP, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (68% homology with PACAP) and the B-adrenergic receptor agonist isoproterenol on contractile function and coronary vascular tone in isolated piglet hearts (1 to 5 d of age). Paced (180 beatslmin) isovolumically beating hearts underwent retrograde aortic perfusion a t constant coronary flow (approximately 3 mL. min-' . g-') with an erythrocyte-enriched PACAP, pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide VIP, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide ISP, isoproterenol IBMX, isobutylmethylxanthine dP/dt,,, maximum rate of change of systolic pressure with respect to time (+), positive (-), negative (hematocrit 15 to 20%)~solution ( 3 7 "~) . ~g o n i s t s were injected into the aortic root of hearts, and the positive (+) and negative (-) changes in maximum rate of change of systolic pressure with respect to time (dP/dtma,) and in PACAP is a newly discovered neuropcptide isolated from the coronary perfusion pressure (that reflected alterations in ovine hypothalamus (1). PACAP is present in two forms: one vascular tone) were measured. PACAP (n = 8,O.l and 0.5 with 27 and the other with 38 N-terminal amino acid residues nmol) increased (+) dP/dt,, from 944 + 59 to 1519 f 206 (2). PACAP has a 68% sequence homology with VIP and appears mm ~g / s and from 867 2 40 to 2010 +: 226 mm ~g / s ( p to be more potent than VIP in stimulating adenylate cyclase in < 0.05); increased (-1 dpldt,, from 11 14 41 to 14-39 + pituitary cells (2). PACAP also has been shown to increase cAMP 9 5 mm ~g and from 999 f 37 to 1668 + 145 mm H~/ S levels in the human neuroblastoma cell line NB-OK (3), the rat ( p < 0.05); and decreased perfusion pressure from 61.4 2 pancreatic acinar cell line AR 4-25 (4), and rat liver cell mem-3.1 to 48.9 2 2.3 mm 1 1~ and from 60.5 + 2.4 to 43.9 branes ( 5 ) . Moreover, high affinity binding sites for PACAP have 2.3 mm H~ (p < 0.05), respectively. comparison, vase-been identified in several organ systems, including the rat lung active intestinal polypeptide (n = 6, 0.1 and 0.5 nmol) (6) and h m a n brain (7). increased (+) dP/dtmn, from 767 +. 53 to 806 + 37 mm Hg/ The ~h~s i o l o g i c role of PACAP has not been elucidated, and from 829 2 94 to 942 8 5 mm ~g /~ (NS); increased although it has been suggested that this peptide may be involved (-) dp/dtma, from 883 2 73 to 926 45 ,,,,,, ~g /~ and in the regulation of vascular smooth muscle tone, in addition to from 923 + 8 2 to 1054 f 78 mm Hg/s (NS); and decreased its presumed role as a hypothalamic, hypophysiotropic hormone perfusion pressure from 57.9 + 4.9 to 50.0 +. 3.6 mm H~ (8 VIP, have been demonstrated in the myocardium and coronary duced positive inotropic, luisitropic, and coronary vasodil-arteries of several adult species (12). The present study, therefore, effects in piglet which may make a was undertaken to inv...