Pseudomonas putida strain mt-2 unsaturated biofilm formation proceeds through three distinct developmental phases, culminating in the formation of a microcolony. The form and severity of reduced water availability alter cell morphology, which influences microcolony size and ultrastructure. The dehydration (matric stress) treatments resulted in biofilms comprised of smaller cells, but they were taller and more porous and had a thicker extracellular polysaccharide layer at the air interface. In the solute stress treatments, cell filamentation occurred more frequently in the presence of high concentrations of ionic (but not nonionic) solutes, and these filamented cells drastically altered the biofilm architecture.In terrestrial habitats, bacteria reside on soil matrices or plant surfaces as aggregates of cells, or microcolonies, that are frequently enmeshed in exopolymeric substances of their own making and can be described as biofilms (1,5,19,23). These biofilms are commonly unsaturated, although water films, which vary in thickness depending on the environmental conditions, surround them. In a saturated system, the water potential is comprised almost exclusively of the solute potential (24). However, under unsaturated conditions, water availability is influenced by both the solute and matric potentials (24). The difference between these two stresses is that with a solute stress, bacteria are bathed in water of diminished activity but that with a matric stress, bacteria are dehydrated due to low water contents and the availability of the water is reduced through its interaction with the matrix. Under normal conditions, soil bacteria experience significant matric stress (12).In aquatic systems, channels in the biofilm act as conduits for waste removal and nutrient supply (34). Under low-shear laminar flow, Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 biofilms consist of a monolayer of cells with mound-shaped, circular microcolonies, but under high-shear turbulent flow, PAO1 biofilms consist of filamentous streamers (8,14,25). The development of this complex architecture is influenced by hydrodynamics, nutrient composition, and biological properties such as quorum sensing, extracellular polysaccharide (EPS) production, and motility (8). In unsaturated habitats, the lack of laminar fluid flow dramatically influences nutrient availability patterns, metabolic-waste accumulation and disposal, and the accumulation of cell-signaling molecules and, consequently, biofilm architecture.Atomic-force microscopy of fresh and desiccated Pseudomonas putida biofilms revealed that drying had little effect on physical morphology and surface properties (1). However, those studies focused on fully developed, mature biofilms that were then dried. In many ways, the growth of bacteria on agar surfaces better approximates the conditions that bacteria experience in many unsaturated habitats; they are able to acquire nutrients from the underlying matrix and from a relatively thin water film covering the biofilm. Examination of the organization of cells withi...