Deep brain stimulation (DBS) has been demonstrated to be very effective and is increasingly used worldwide for the treatment of Parkinson's disease, dystonia, tremor and intractable pain. [1][2][3][4][5][6] The components used for DBS include an electrode placed stereotactically into the appropriate brain target, an implantable neural stimulator (INS) typically placed subcutaneously below the clavicle and a connecting wire which joins them. The INS functions as a pacemaker and delivers high frequency electrical pulses to the brain target. Our typical stimulation parameters are 130-185 Hz, 90-120 µs pulse width, A B S T R A C T: B a c k g r o u n d : Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is increasingly used to treat a variety of neurological conditions (e.g. movement disorders and chronic pain). This prospective study was designed to detect electrocardiogram (ECG) artifacts induced by deep brain stimulation and to investigate which factors (patient disease, electrode position within the brain or type of stimulation) produced these artifacts. M e t h o d s : Twelve patients (four women, eight men) with deep brain stimulators were enrolled in the study. Patients were selected to represent the common indications for DBS (Parkinson's disease, t r e m o r, dystonia), the common electrode locations (pallidum, thalamus, subthalamic nucleus) and the two types of stimulation (monopolar, bipolar). Patients had one ECG with the DBS turned 'on'and another with the DBS turned 'off'. The ECGs were then randomized and read by a cardiologist blinded to the status of the patient and DBS and artifacts were noted to be either present or absent. R e s u l t s : The six patients using monopolar stimulation all had artifacts on their electrocardiograms. These artifacts were severe enough to interfere with ECG interpretation. There were no artifacts detected in the six patients using bipolar stimulation. Electrode location and patient disease appeared to have no effect on ECG artifact. C o n c l u s i o n s : Deep brain stimulation can cause ECG artifacts when monopolar settings are used. These artifacts are not present with bipolar settings or when the DBS is turned 'off'. Knowledge of these potential ECG artifacts and how to avoid them is essential to facilitate accurate ECG interpretation.RÉSUMÉ: Artefacts électrocartiographiques causés par la stimulation cérébrale profonde. Introduction: La stimulation cérébrale profonde (SCP) est de plus en plus utilisée pour traiter différents problèmes neurologiques (i.e. les désordres du mouvement et la douleur chronique). Cette étude prospective a été conçue pour détecter des artefacts électrocardiographiques induits par la stimulation cérébrale profonde et pour étudier quels facteurs (maladie, position des électrodes dans le cerveau ou type de stimulation) produisent ces artefacts. Méthodes: Douze patients, quatre femmes et huit hommes, ayant un stimulateur cérébral profond, ont été recrutés pour participer à cette étude. Les patients étaient choisis parce qu'ils présentaient les indications usuelle...