The application of direct current differential electrolytic potentiometry (dc DEP) to the titration of caffeine in acetic anhydride-toluene mixture has been investigated. A very stable low current source has been constructed to polarize the antimony electrodes. The behavior of these electrodes during the titration of caffeine has been examined. Caffeine in commercial samples like tea, Pepsi as a beverage and Prontopyrin, a proprietary drug, was extracted in chloroform and determined by dc DEP.KEY WORDS Caffeine, Electrolytic potentiomeuy, Antimony electrode.The technique of direct current Merential electrolytic potentiometry (dc DEP) consists of polarizing two identical electrodes with a heavily stabilized current and measuring the potential difference (AE) between them during the course of the titration. This technique offers an advantage over the classical potentiometry because it does not require a reference electrode. Moreover, the shape of the titratiDn curve will be in the form of a sharp peak whose tip is used for the precise location of the end point. The dc DEP technique has been applied to various types of titrimetric reactions in both aqueous [ 1-41 and nonaqueous [5-8] media using different types of indicating systems. Antimony metal-metal oxide electrodes are appropriate for acid-base reactions [l-31, while silver electrodes have been used mainly for precipitation reactions (4,6]. Platinum electrodes have been applied in oxidation-reduction reactions [9].Different types of nonaqueous solvents have been examined and found to be suitable for employing dc DEP technique. A mixture of toluene and methanol has been used for acid-base reactions [7]. Acetic acid has been used as a solvent for both oxidation-reduction reactions and precipitation reactions [6,9]. Propylene carbonate has been employed for oxidation-reduction reactions [ 101. Acetic anhydride, either alone or in conjunction with toluene, has been found to be a suitable medium for the titration of weak bases [ll-131. Several basic compounds have been titrated with perchloric acid which was dissolved in a mixture of acetic acid and acetic anhydride [ 51. Large drifts in the potentials of the employed antimony electrodes have been observed during the titrations of certain compounds like dimethylsulfoxide and caffeine. The differential curves of those compounds have been found to be poor and unsymmetrical [j].This communication describes the applicability of dc DEP technique for the titration of caffeine in acetic anhydride-toluene mixture. The advantage of using a very stable current source and its effect on the behavior of polarized electrodes is presented. The results of determining caffeine in commercial samples are also reported.
mmmaThe Constant Current Source A constant current source which provides a stabilized current of the range of 100 n~-100 uA was constructed. This source consists of a dc power supply, a rectifymg and a filtering unit, and four integrated circuits. Figure 1 represents a dc power supply unit which is powered ...