A description is provided for the installation and we give the results from experiments on the determination of the distribution function for water droplets atomized with a spray nozzle. The resulting distributions (accurate to within the experimental error) are described by a normallogarithmic law. It is demonstrated that these results are in satisfactory agreement with those derived by a capture method.Many industrial and research installations presently use suspensions of a given substance in a gas or in some liquid; this is particularly characteristic of installations involving heat or mass transfer, as well as various types of heating equipment. The effectiveness with which the processes take place within such installations depends significantly on the dimensional distribution of the suspended particles [1][2][3]. The determination of this parameter becomes a necessary condition for a quantitative analysis of such installations.The method used to determine the dimensional distribution function for the suspended particles usually include, in one form or another, an individual count, a laborious procedure that is associated with aerodynamic distortions [4].The small-angle method is based on the fact that the suspended particles scatter light at small angles to the initial direction; moreover, this procedure introduces no aerodynamic distortions, and the measurements can be accomplished over several seconds, with completely satisfactory accuracy. The theory of the method has been developed in [5][6][7]; the experimental aspects of the method have been tested on nonmoving clouds of water, and this has been described in [8,9].When using this method we assume that the scattering particles are spherical and transparent, with the multiple scattering resulting from the limited concentration assumed to be negligibly small.The angular distribution of the intensity I(0) of the radiation scattered on the aerosols in this case can be presented in the form a~