The probability and the amplitudes (2,)~-parameters) for exciting the magnetic sublevels of Mg+(3p) in collisions with Ar-atoms have been computed within the coupledchannel impact parameter approximation. An excitation mechanism is found which accounts for most of the pecularities observed in the energy and impact parameter dependence of the 2,z-parameters for this collision system: the a3sMg + orbital acquires 3d-character at internuclear distances <1.8 a.u. and by strong rotational coupling among the 3d-molecular orbitals in this region primarily the 3dn MO becomes populated. The final distribution among the magnetic sublevels of Mg+(3p) is determined by the rotational coupling at intermediate and large internuclear distances (>3 a.u.) between the cr3p and ~3p magnetic substates of Mg+(3p).