The ribonucleic acid (RNA) polymerase from log-phase and sporulating cells of Bacillus subtilis was analyzed to determine whether any structural changes occurred during sporulation. The elution pattern of RNA polymerase from a deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)-cellulose column revealed that sporulating cells at stages III and IV contained a new RNA polymerase fraction in addition to the vegetative holoenzyme (a2#3/'o-). Stage III cells contained the vegetative holoenzyme and a new enzyme with the composition a21,33'8; the molecular weight of 81 was 28,000. Stage IV cells contained the vegetative holoenzyme, the 8'containing enzyme, and another enzyme with the composition a2,/,3'82 . The 82 jig/ml) was added to the first and second cultures to prevent the growth of revertants. The final culture was discarded if revertants were found.