Vibrio cholerae, the causative agent of the severe diarrheal disease cholera, thrives in both marine environments and the human host. To do so, it must encode the tools necessary to acquire essential nutrients, including iron, under these vastly different conditions. A number of V. cholerae iron acquisition systems have been identified; however, the precise role of each system is not fully understood. To test the roles of individual systems, we generated a series of mutants in which only one of the four systems that support iron acquisition on unsupplemented LB agar, Feo, Fbp, Vct, and Vib, remains functional. Analysis of these mutants under different growth conditions showed that these systems are not redundant. The strain carrying only the ferrous iron transporter Feo grew well at acidic, but not alkaline, pH, whereas the ferric iron transporter Fbp promoted better growth at alkaline than at acidic pH. A strain defective in all four systems (null mutant) had a severe growth defect under aerobic conditions but accumulated iron and grew as well as the wild type in the absence of oxygen, suggesting the presence of an additional, unidentified iron transporter in V. cholerae. In support of this, the null mutant was only moderately attenuated in an infant mouse model of infection. While the null mutant used heme as an iron source in vitro, we demonstrate that heme is not available to V. cholerae in the infant mouse intestine.
The Gram-negative bacterium Vibrio cholerae has an absolute requirement for iron (1). Despite the prevalence of iron within its environmental niches and human host, most of this iron is not readily available. Iron occurs naturally as oxidized (ferric) or reduced (ferrous) iron (2). Ferric iron(III), found in oxygenated environments at neutral to alkaline pH, has very low water solubility and forms large insoluble complexes. Studies of ocean water have found iron to be the limiting nutrient for microbial growth (3). Soluble, ferrous iron(II) is more prevalent under the anoxic conditions that V. cholerae may encounter while colonizing the human host. However, access to iron in the host is limited due to competition with other microbes on host surfaces, as well as sequestration by high-affinity iron-binding host proteins such as transferrin and lactoferrin (4-7). Despite the challenges of obtaining iron in these various environments, V. cholerae is proficient in growth in both marine and host environments.The V. cholerae genome encodes multiple iron acquisition systems, which each transport a specific form of iron and may thus optimize iron acquisition in the various niches that V. cholerae inhabits (8-12). These include genes for the synthesis (vib) and utilization (viu) of vibriobactin, a siderophore that is secreted into the environment, where it binds ferric iron with extremely high affinity (9,(13)(14)(15). Ferrivibriobactin is bound by the outer membrane receptor ViuA (16,17) and is transported across the outer membrane in a process that requires either of two energy transduction systems, To...