The functional role of the 29-encoded integral membrane protein p16.7 in phage DNA replication was studied using a soluble variant, p16.7A, lacking the N-terminal membrane-spanning domain. Because of the protein-primed mechanism of DNA replication, the bacteriophage 29 replication intermediates contain long stretches of single-stranded DNA (ssDNA Studies on DNA replication and related processes have provided detailed insights in the function of many proteins involved in these processes (for review, see Ref. 1). Despite this, little is known about the in vivo organization of DNA replication. To gain a better insight in this fundamental process, we studied the in vivo DNA replication of the Bacillus subtilis bacteriophage 29 (2). The detailed knowledge of its in vitro mechanism of DNA replication (for reviews, see Refs. 3 and 4) made 29 an attractive system for this study.The genome of 29 is a linear double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) 1 of 19,285 base pairs that contains a terminal protein (TP) covalently linked at each 5Ј end. Fig. 1A shows a schematic representation of the genetic and transcriptional organization of the 29 genome. Regulation of 29 DNA transcription, which can be divided into an early and a late stage, has been studied extensively in vivo as well as in vitro (for reviews, see Refs. 3 and 5). The late expressed genes, all transcribed from a single operon present in the central part of the genome, encode the structural proteins of the phage, proteins involved in morphogenesis, and those required for lysis of the infected cell. The early expressed genes are present in two operons that flank the late operon. The early operon located at the left side of the 29 genome encodes the transcriptional regulator protein p4 and various proteins that are directly involved in phage DNA replication, such as the DNA polymerase, TP, singlestranded DNA-binding protein (SSB), double-stranded DNAbinding protein, and protein p1. The operon located at the right side of the 29 genome encodes, in addition to proteins p17 and p16.7, four putative proteins of unknown function.A schematic overview of the in vitro 29 DNA replication mechanism is shown in Fig. 1B. Initiation of 29 DNA replication occurs via a so-called protein-primed mechanism (reviewed in Refs. 3, 4, and 6). The TP-containing DNA ends constitute the origins of replication. Initiation of DNA replication starts by recognition of the origin by a heterodimer formed by the 29 DNA polymerase and the primer TP. The DNA polymerase then catalyzes the addition of the first dAMP to the primer TP. Next, after a transition step, these two proteins dissociate, and the DNA polymerase continues processive elongation until replication of the nascent DNA strand is completed. Replication, which starts at both DNA ends, is coupled to strand displacement. This results in the generation of socalled type I replication intermediates consisting of full-length double-stranded 29 DNA molecules with one or more singlestranded DNA (ssDNA) branches of varying lengths. When the two converging DNA...