Streptornyces coelicolor (Muller) became resistant to killing by hydrogen peroxide (H,O,) when pretreated with non-lethal concentrations of H,O,. When rapidly growing cells were pretreated with 100 p~-H , 0~, they became 7-10-fold more resistant to 20 mM-H,O, than were naive cells. Activities of several oxidative defense enzymes were measured in cells treated with 100 p~-H , o , in either exponential or stationary phase growth. The specific activity of catalase in crude extracts of cells pretreated in either phase increased about 40%. Peroxidase activity, in cell extracts and culture supernatants, respectively, of cells treated in the stationary growth phase increased two times and four times. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase increased by 60 % at the exponential growth phase. Glutathione reductase increased 80 % after treatment in the exponential phase and 4-fold in the stationary growth phase. However, superoxide dismutase activity decreased by 70 %. Two mutants resistant to H,O, were isolated after mutagenesis of spores with N-methyl-N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine. In addition to a dramatic increase in the survival rate in 20m~-H,O,, both mutants exhibited increased activities of all the above enzymes except superoxide dismutase. The pleiotropic phenotype of the mutants suggests that there exists a global regulation of oxidative response in S. coelicofov.