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ABSTRACT (Maximum 200 Words)The purpose of this research project is to study the role of neuronal sodium channels in mechanisms of neuronal injury, neurodegeneration, and neuroprotection. The primary objective of this research project is to characterize the expression, and study the functional significance, of neuronal sodium channels during the process of injury and recovery. Also, the effects of sodium channel blockade (using antisense and channel blockers) on gene expression and neurodegeneration will be studies.The progress during our 3rd year of this project wss excellent. Several important and critical discoveries providing a greater understanding of the injury/neurodegeneration process and the role of brain NAChs in this process were elucidated. Our key observations were 1) using ASO for the Nal.1 NaCh it was demonstrated that functional blockade of this channel results in brain neuroprotection following injury; 2) our in situ hybridization experiments defined the regional anatomical distribution of Navl.1 sodium channel gene expression in normal and at various time-post MCAo and confirmed our QRT-PCR data showing the Nal .1 expression to be down-regulated in subcortical and cortical regions of injured and, to some degree of contralateral hemispheres. In addition, these in situ hybridization studies revealed that the expression of other NaCh gene appears not to be of significance to the brain injury process; 3) our preliminary results show that treatment of neurons with RS-1000642 at least partially reverses the down-regulation of Navl .1 caused by MCAo injury. Importantly, evidendc eindicates that this is an effect selective for the Nal.1 NaCh and not other NAChs; 4) Based upon our QRT-PCR resutls, it does not appear that sodium-calcium exhanger genes, namely NCXl, NCX2 and NCX3, re inolved in the NaCh mechanisms of ischemia brain injury, at least not at early time-points post-MCAo injury; 4) Finally, our comprehensive EEG studies have identified several non-convulsant (NCS) brain seizure events identical to the clinical brain injury and that of all the AEDs tested to date, only the sodium channel blocker RS-100642 significantly stops or attenuates the NCS neuropathology. received considerable attention, leading many, including our own laboratory, to propose the "calcium mechanism" of neuronal injury and neurodegeneration. However, of possibly equal consequence to t...