The corticogeniculate (CG) pathway connects the visual cortex with the visual thalamus (LGN) in the feedback direction and enables the cortex to directly influence its own input. Despite numerous investigations, the role of this feedback circuit in visual perception remained elusive. To probe the function of CG feedback in a causal manner, we selectively and reversibly manipulated the activity of CG neurons in anesthetized ferrets in vivo using a combined viral-infection and optogenetics approach to drive expression of channelrhodopsin2 (ChR2) in CG neurons. We observed significant increases in temporal precision and spatial resolution of LGN neuronal responses to drifting grating and white noise stimuli when CG neurons expressing ChR2 were light activated. Enhancing CG feedback reduced visually evoked response latencies, increased spike-timing precision, and reduced classical receptive field size. Increased precision among LGN neurons led to increased spike-timing precision among granular layer V1 neurons as well. Together, our findings suggest that the function of CG feedback is to control the timing and precision of thalamic responses to incoming visual signals.T he feedforward progression of sensory information from peripheral receptors through nuclei in the sensory thalamus to the primary sensory cortex is well understood. For example, much is known about how neurons in the primary sensory cortex represent elementary sensory features based on the inputs they receive from peripheral and thalamic neurons with well-defined receptive field properties. In addition to these feedforward circuits, mammalian sensory systems include a substantial feedback projection from the primary sensory cortex to the sensory thalamus (1). Despite a rich history of investigation, the functional role of corticothalamic feedback circuits in sensory perception remains a fundamental mystery in neuroscience.Our goal was to determine the functional contribution of corticothalamic feedback to vision. Corticogeniculate (CG) circuits link the primary visual cortex (V1) with the lateral geniculate nucleus of the thalamus (LGN) and constitute the first cortical feedback connection in the visual processing hierarchy (2). CG axons target LGN relay neurons, local interneurons within the LGN, and neurons in the visual portion of the thalamic reticular nucleus (TRN) that inhibit LGN relay neurons (3-5) (Fig. 1A). Based on this pattern of axonal innervation, CG modulation of LGN neurons could include both monosynaptic excitation and disynaptic inhibition of LGN relay neurons via TRN and/or local LGN inhibitory circuitry. The CG circuit is anatomically robust-cortical synapses onto LGN relay neurons far outnumber retinal synapses (4); however, the receptive fields of LGN relay neurons reflect their retinal and not their cortical inputs (6). In part due to its subtle influence on LGN responses, the function of CG feedback has remained elusive.There have been numerous experimental examinations of CG function-using methods with varying degrees of sele...