Key Words: cardiac transcription factors Ⅲ gene expression Ⅲ cardiac hypertrophy Ⅲ cardiogenesis C ardiomyocytes are terminally differentiated and lose their ability to proliferate soon after birth. Thereafter, cardiomyocytes grow in cell size without cell division to adapt to a demand for an increased workload. In a number of pathological conditions (eg, hypertension, valvular disease, myocardial infarction, and cardiomyopathy) that impose overwork on the heart, postnatal cardiomyocytes undergo cardiac hypertrophy. Although cardiac hypertrophy is initially compensatory for an increased workload, prolongation of this process leads to congestive heart failure, arrhythmia, and sudden death. 1,2 At the cellular level, cardiac hypertrophy is characterized by an increase in cell size and protein synthesis and reactivation of the fetal gene program. [3][4][5] In addition, recent large-scale expression analyses have identified numerous genes other than fetal genes or immediateearly genes that were upregulated in hypertrophied hearts, including genes encoding proteins involved in signaling pathways and energy metabolism. 6,7 The points at issue are how extracellular hypertrophic stimulation is perceived and converted into intracellular signals and how these signals change the transcriptional program that eventually leads to cardiac hypertrophy. With regard to the differential gene expression induced by hypertrophic stimulation, it is reasonable to assume that cardiac transcription factors play the leading part, because they directly regulate a number of cardiac genes that are upregulated in hypertrophied myocardium.Cardiac transcription factors are defined, in this context, as essential transcriptional activators that are expressed predominantly in the myocardium and that regulate the expression of the Original