The complete sequences of the untranslated 5' regions of human a-and ftlobin mRNAs were determined by sequence analysis of full-length cDNAs. The single-stranded cDNAs were digested with the restriction endonuclease Hae Ill, and the two 3'-terminal fragments of 75 (5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12). In the human, the ,Bglobin mRNA from the initiation codon AUG to the 3'-poly(A) end has been sequenced, and portions of the translated region of the a-globin mRNA and the complete untranslated 3' end are known (10, 13-16). The primary structure of the untranslated 5' region of mRNA is of great interest because it may play a role in ribosomal binding and the initiation of protein synthesis. Lockard and RajBhandary (17) determined the sequence of the 5' termini of the separated rabbit a-and ,B-globin mRNAs by direct RNA sequence analysis. By analyzing the cDNAs synthesized with a primer complementary to the region of the initiation codon, Baralle (11,12) sequenced the complete untranslated 5' regions of both rabbit a-and ,B-globin mRNAs.We report here the complete sequences of the untranslated 5' region of the human a-and,B-globin mRNAs. We utilized the ability of the restriction enzyme Hae III to cleave singlestranded DNA at G-G-C-C sequences (18,19). Full-length single-stranded a-and ,B-globin cDNAs were digested with Hae III and the two 3'-terminal fragments corresponding to the 5' termini of the a-and f3-mRNAs were identified and isolated.The sequences of these two fragments were then determined according to the method of Maxam and Gilbert (4) by labeling either at their 3' ends with ribonucleoside [32P]diphosphate with terminal deoxyribonucleotidyl transferase, or at their 5' ends with 32P by using polynucleotide kinase.MATERIALS AND METHODS Source of Human Globin mRNA. Blood was obtained from a patient with sickle cell disease, one with hemoglobin H disease, and one with homozygous 3 thalassemia. RNA was prepared from these samples and the poly(A)-rich RNA was isolated by two passages over oligo(dT)-cellulose as described (20).Preparation of Globin cDNAs. Single-stranded globin cDNAs were prepared according to the method of Verma et al. (21). Nonradioactive dATP, dGTP, and TTP at 400,M each and radioactive dCTP at 100 MM were used to maximize the synthesis of full-length cDNAs as shown by Efstratiadis et al. (22). The radioactive precursors used for the synthesis of internally labeled cDNA in the different experiments were [3H]dCTP (New England Nuclear, 23 Ci/mmol) diluted to a specific activity of 2.3 Ci/mmol and [a-32P]dCTP (New England Nuclear, 110-115 Ci/mmol) diluted to a specific activity of 25 or 0.1 Ci/mmol to yield high-or low-specific activity 32p products, respectively.Digestion of cDNA with Restriction Enzyme. cDNA was digested with the restriction endonuclease Hae III (New England Biolabs), 200 units/Mg of DNA, in 6 mM Tris-HCI, pH 7.4/6 mM MgCl2/6 mM NaCl/6 mM 2-mercaptoethanol for 16 hr at 37°. To analyze the restriction fragments, digested high-specific activity [32P]cDNA was separated by ...