Anthropic alterations in aquatic ecosystems demand the implementation of recuperation actions, highlighting ecological restoration projects. The monitoring is an important step to these projects, and the macroinvertebrates application as bioindicators is an important tool, because they are advantageous in comparison to another assessment methods. Thus, the goal was verify the effects of silting, and dam rupture in macroinvertebrate community, in a tropical stream, and assess the answer to an ecological restoration project implementation. The research was conducted in the Campininha stream, that was impacted by anthropic alterations, featured a dam rupture and after all this disturbances was implemented an ecological restoration project. A literature review was conducted to verification of the applicability of macroinvertebrates as bioindicators of silting and in ecological restoration projects assessment. Data was collected before and after the dam rupture, and samplings were done two years after the project implementation began. The macroinvertebrates community was assessed by application of structural and functional feeding indexes and the results analyzed by univariate and multivariate statistic. The literature review showed that the traditional indexes application may be not sensible to indicate impacts related to silting and ecological restoration projects implementation, and it is necessary the utilization of indexes that consider the community composition, organisms sensibility and functional feeding groups and your relations. Before the dam rupture, the macroinvertebrate community was already poor by the silting of the lake and fluvial channel. The dam rupture leaded to the loss of important groups and in the change of the macroinvertebrate community composition, also loss of functional feeding groups and consequently environmental functions. After the ecological restoration project implementation were found another 20 families, however, the traditional indexes were not sensible to indicate changes in macroinvertebrates community. Composition and functional feeding groups indexes showed the stream recuperation process. The sediment characteristics had a community high explanative power showing that the benthic habitat recovery is a factor that guide to a better community answer, even this was not the goal of the restoration project application. The relative short time after the project implementation was enough to point a environmental quality recovery, in contrast with the literature review. However the most studies analyzed was conducted in temperate environments, showing that in tropical environments the recovery dynamics is different. Thus, is necessary a intensification of restoration projects implementation and monitoring to a creation of data bases to guide managers and professionals responsible by the projects elaboration in decision make.