Although striatal dopamine (DA) is important in alcohol abuse, the nature of DA release during actual alcohol drinking is unclear, since drinking includes self-administration of both conditioned flavor stimuli (CS) of the alcoholic beverage and subsequent intoxication, the unconditioned stimulus (US).
Here we used a novel self-administration analog to distinguish nucleus accumbens (NAcc) DA responses specific to the CS and US.
Right-handed male heavy drinkers (n=26) received 3 positron emission tomography (PET) scans with the D2/D3 radioligand [11C]raclopride (RAC), and performed a pseudo self-administration task that separately administered a flavor CS of either a habitually consumed beer or the appetitive control Gatorade®, concomitant with the US of ethanol intoxication (0.06 g/dL IV administration) or IV saline. Scan conditions were Gatorade flavor + saline (Gat&Sal); Gatorade flavor + ethanol (Gat&Eth); and beer flavor + ethanol (Beer&Eth).
Ethanol (US) reduced RAC binding (inferring DA release) in the left (L) NAcc [Gat&Sal > Gat&Eth]. Beer flavor (CS) increased DA in the right (R) NAcc [Gat&Eth > Beer&Eth]. The combination of beer flavor and ethanol (CS + US), [Gat&Sal > Beer&Eth], induced DA release in bilateral NAcc. Self-reported intoxication during scanning correlated with L NAcc DA release. Relative to saline, infusion of ethanol increased alcoholic drink wanting.
Our findings suggest lateralized DA function in the NAcc, with L NAcc DA release most reflecting intoxication, R NAcc DA release most reflecting the flavor CS, and the conjoint CS+US producing a bilateral NAcc response.