IgA class switching is the process whereby B cells acquire the expression of IgA, the most abundant antibody isotype in mucosal secretions. IgA class switching occurs via both T-celldependent and T-cell-independent pathways, and the antibody targets both pathogenic and commensal microorganisms. This Review describes recent advances indicating that innate immune recognition of microbial signatures at the epithelial-cell barrier is central to the selective induction of mucosal IgA class switching. In addition, the mechanisms of IgA class switching at follicular and extrafollicular sites within the mucosal environment are summarized. A better understanding of these mechanisms may help in the development of more effective mucosal vaccines.IgA has been selected throughout evolution to provide a first line of immune protection at mucosal surfaces -vulnerable frontline sites that are exposed to potentially harmful commensal, airborne, ingested and sexually transmitted agents. Growing evidence indicates that IgA uses a high-affinity binding system to neutralize microbial toxins and pathogens, and a low-affinity binding system to prevent commensal bacteria from breaching the mucosal surface 1 . This latter process is known as immune exclusion and has a fundamental role in the intestine, which is home to a number of commensal bacteria exceeding that of human cells by an estimated order of magnitude 2 .Remarkably, intestinal IgA achieves both immune protection and immune exclusion in a non-inflammatory manner, thereby promoting the establishment of a sustainable hostmicrobial mutualism 3 . The complex relationship between IgA and the intestinal microbiota is further exemplified by the fact that IgA responses are highly dependent on intestinal colonization by commensal microorganisms. Indeed, the number of IgA-secreting B cells is dramatically reduced in the intestine of germ-free animals and these cells are virtually absent in neonates before their exposure to bacteria 3 .In this Review, I summarize recent advances in our understanding of the function, regulation and geography of IgA class switching. In addition to analysing the signalling pathways underlying IgA class switching, I discuss new evidence indicating that commensal bacteria
Competing interests statementThe author declares no competing financial interests.
Function of IgA class switchingAntibody diversification is essential for the immune system to mount protective humoral responses. B cells diversify their antibody repertoire through three main genetic alterations that occur in two distinct phases of B-cell development. In the antigen-independent phase, B-cell precursors lodged in the bone marrow generate antigen recognition diversity by assembling the exons that encode immunoglobulin heavy (H) and light (L) chain variable regions from individual variable (V), diversity (D) and joining (J) gene segments through V(D)J gene recombination 4 . This process is initiated by a lymphoid-cell-and sequencespecific RAG1 (recombination-activating gene 1...