We report on single crystal growth and crystallographic parameters results of Ce 2 PdIn 8 , Ce 3 PdIn 11, Ce 2 PtIn 8 and Ce 3 PtIn 11 . The Pt-systems Ce 2 PtIn 8 and Ce 3 PtIn 11 are synthesized for the first time. All these compounds are member of the Ce n T m In 3n+2m (n = 1, 2,..; m = 1, 2,.. and T = transition metal) to which the extensively studied heavy fermion superconductor CeCoIn 5 belongs. Single crystals have been grown by In self-flux method. Differential scanning calorimetry studies were used to derive optimal growth conditions. Evidently, the maximum growth conditions for these materials should not exceed 750 °C. Single crystal x-ray data show that Ce 2 TIn 8 compounds crystallize in the tetragonal Ho 2 CoGa 8 phase (space group P4/mmm) with lattice parameters a =4.6898(3) Å and c =12.1490(8) Å for the Pt-based one (Pd: a = 4.6881(4) Å and c = 12.2031(8) Å). The Ce 3 TIn 11 compounds adopt the Ce 3 PdIn 11 structure with a = 4.6874(4) Å and c = 16.8422(12) Å for the Pt-based one (Pd: a = 4.6896 Å and c = 16.891 Å). Specific heat experiments on Ce 3 PtIn 11 and Ce 3 PdIn 11 have revealed that both compounds undergo two successive magnetic transitions at T 1 ~ 2.2 K followed by T N ~ 2.0 K and T 1 ~ 1.7 K and T N ~ 1.5 K, respectively. Additionally, both compounds exhibit enhanced Sommerfeld coefficients yielding γ Pt = 0.300 J/mol K 2 Ce (γ Pd = 0.290 J/mol K 2 Ce), hence qualifying them as heavy fermion materials.