Cerebellar granular neurons were grown in culture up to 21 days and the protein compositions of undifferentiated (day 1), partially differentiated (day 7) and fully differentiated (day 21) neurons were analyzed by high-resolution 2D-gel electrophoresis. During neuronal differentiation there were not only increase in the amount of several known proteins, viz. actin, tubulin (both alpha and beta subunits), myosin (heavy and light chains), but very interesting changes were also observed in the expressions of different subunits and isoforms of those proteins. Furthermore, both in the acidic (pI 4.0-4.5) and alkaline (pI 7.0-8.5) regions interesting up and down regulations of several unidentified proteins were observed during the neuronal differentiation. These results indicated that there were several unidentified proteins that might be very valuable targets for studying regulation of neuronal differentiation. Research is going on for further characterization of those proteins using recently developed proteomics technology.