“…NSOMs also have been used in the behavioral management of speech production in childhood and adult dysarthria (Ray, 2001(Ray, , 2002 and in treating respiratory/phonatory dysfunction (Spencer et al, 2003). Another clinical application of NSOM is differentiated vocal tract control (DVTC), or the concept that individuals can learn the voluntary manipulation of specific muscular and biomechanical structures within the larynx and vocal tract (e.g., false vocal fold activity, true vocal fold mass, and larynx height; Honda, Hirai, Estill, & Tohkura, 1995;Kmucha, Yanagisawa, & Estill, 1990;Madill, Sheard, & Heard, 2008;Yanagisawa, Estill, Mambrino, & Talkin, 1991). This concept is included in two models of vocal training: Estill Voice Training Systems (Santa Rosa, CA) and Voicecraft (Adelaide, South Australia).…”