As clouds begin to precipitate, there are several different microphysical processes that can change the drop size distribution (DSD) as the drops fall out, such as evaporation, breakup, and coalescence. The DSDs can also evolve due to hydrometeor size sorting arising from differential sedimentation. Terminal velocities of raindrops increase with increasing size (e.g., Beard, 1976; Brandes et al., 2002; Foote & du Toit, 1969; R. Gunn & Kinzer, 1949) so that larger drops fall through a given layer more rapidly than smaller drops. Larger drops will reach the surface before smaller drops, so there will be an initial sorting of raindrops by size with progressively smaller drops located higher above the surface. However, after some time (assuming steadystate conditions aloft), the smaller drops will reach the surface and there will no longer be a separation of different drop sizes. This transient size sorting from initial differential sedimentation lasts on the order of 5-10 min (Kingfield & Picca, 2018). There are mechanisms that will maintain this size sorting beyond this initial transient effect, as described in Kumjian and Ryzhkov (2012), hereafter K12. One of these mechanisms is an updraft, where only larger raindrops with sufficiently large terminal velocities can overcome the strength of the updraft and descend to the surface. Another mechanism, and the focus of this study, is storm-relative flow located in the layer through which the drops descend. These storm-relative winds are the fundamental mechanism for this type of size sorting (Dawson et al., 2015, hereafter D15) and not shear or storm-relative helicity (SRH) as previous studies had suggested (e.g., K. Gunn & Marshall 1955; Kumjian & Ryzhkov, 2009). Larger drops with faster fall speeds fall through a sorting layer more quickly compared to smaller drops with slower fall speeds. The decreased time in a sorting layer leads to the larger drops being advected a shorter distance downwind