“…More broadly, repeated variation in form and function in the oaks (Tucker, ) is evident in multiple lineages related to their habitats across precipitation and moisture gradients (Bahari et al ., ; Kaproth & Cavender‐Bares, ; Aguilar‐Romero et al ., ; Figs ), across fire gradients (Myers, ; Jackson et al ., ; Cavender‐Bares et al ., ; Cavender‐Bares & Reich, ; Schwilk et al ., ), elevation (Poulos et al ., ; Schwilk et al ., ; Fallon & Cavender‐Bares, ), temperature gradients (Koehler et al ., ), and successional gradients (Monk, ; Petit et al ., ; Lagache et al ., ). Ecological diversification across climatic gradients is well documented (Cavender‐Bares et al ., ; Hipp et al ., ).…”