Abstract. We described two euthyroid patients with normally functioning goiters, but with persistently undetectable and non-stimulatable TSH levels. Subject 1 was a 64-year-old woman with a large diffuse goiter who has been clinically and biochemically euthyroid without any medication for at least 19 years. Subject 2 was a 31-year-old woman with a small diffuse goiter who has been euthyroid for 4 years. Both patients had persistently undetectable levels of serum TSH, TSH receptor antibodies (TRAb) and thyroid stimulating antibodies (TSAb). Their basal TSH levels were very low and their T 3 responses to TRH were very diminished or absent. In contrast, the basal levels of the other pituitary hormones and their responses to LHRH, GRH and CRH stimulation were all within normal limits in both patients. MRI images of pituitary glands, 123 I thyroid uptake, and thyroid scans were normal. Ectopic thyroids were not detected on 99m TcO 4 -and 123 I total body scans. Factors interfering with the measurement of TSH were excluded by recovery studies. In subject 1 a T 3 -suppression test was positive and a perchlorate discharge test was negative. In subject 2 a T 3 -suppression test was negative. Euthyroid Graves' disease, subclinical hyperthyroidism, destructive thyroiditis, thyrotoxicosis of extrathyroid origin, central hypothyroidism, and nonthyroidal illness were all ruled out by these observations. These results suggest that an unknown factor, such as thyrostimulin, but not TSH or TSAb, stimulates the thyroid and maintains euthyroidism, and may have a role in the regulation of the hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid axis. Usually it is not difficult to determine the cause of low serum TSH levels. We report here two unusual euthyroid patients with goiters and persistently undetectable TSH levels. We consider the clinical significance of the association of goiter with long-term undetectable TSH and normal thyroid hormone levels and the possible implications for the hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid axis. Since the cause of the low TSH could not be determined after extensive evaluation, it is suggested that there are factors in addition to TSH that contribute to the control of the thyroid gland.