7'11i.y 1)[1per is cledicoted to PI-ofessor Harry E. G L~I I~I~I~S 0 1 1 file occcr.sio11 of his 65th birtt~rlrlyHOWARD E. ZIMMERMAN and GUO-SHENG WU. Can. J. Chcm. 61, 866 (1983).The photochemistry of 3-methyl-3-(9-phcnanthry1)-1-butene was examined as part of 'an investigation into the effects of having two n chromophores of widely different energies participating in a di-n-methane rearrangement. Wc observed both direct and sensitized reactivity with quantum yiclds = 0.043 and 0.053. Thc primary reaction product from both direct and sensitized photolyses was I, 1-dimethyl-2-(9-phenanthryl)cyclopropan. However, in practice this product was obtained only from sensitized irradiations where it was almost completely unreactive. The triplet reactivity is unusual in that the typical free rotor decay exhibited by triplets does not lead to inhibition of di-n-methane reactivity in this case. This point is discussed. The intersystcm crossing efficiency of the phcnanthryl vinyl mcthanc reactant was obtained from the scnsitization of biacetyl phosphorescence by the phenanthrene derivative at varying biacetyl concentrations. This was +, , , = 0.86. This result and the bracketing relationships signify that essentially all of the direct irradiation rearrangement utilizes T I . In addition, from these experiments, 'k,,,,,,, was determined as 5.8 X 10' s-I. Similarly, 'k, = 250 s-I which is the slowest di-n-methane rearrangement encountered thus far. The rearrangement of the cyclopropane product to form 2-methyl-4-(9-phenanthry1)-I-butene was also investigated. 'I$ was determined to be 0.091 and '41 was determined as 0.00072. Thus the interesting contrast was encountered in which thc di-n-methane rearrangement proceeds from the triplet while the rearrangement of the cyclopropane product proceeds most efficiently from the singlet. HOWARD E. ZIMMERMAN et GUO-SHENG WU. Can. J. Chcm. 61, 866 (1983).On a CtudiC la photochimie du mCthyl-3-(phenanthryl-9-)-3 butene-I comme un aspcct dc la rechcrchc portant sur les effets de la presence de dcux chromophores n d'inergies tres differentes participant h la transposition di-n-mkthane. Nous avons observC les deux rCactivitCs directe et scnsibilisCc avec des rendemcnts quantiqucs +"IK = 0,043 et +SEN" 0,535. Le dimethyl-1, l (phinanthryl-9)-2 cyclopropane et le produit primaire de rCaction h partir de la photolyse directe et de la photolyse sensibiliske. Cependant, en fait, on obtient ce produit uniquement h partir des irradiations faites en presence de photosensibilisateurs oh il est presque complktement inactif. La reactivitk du triplet est inhabituelle en ce sens quc la dksintegration par centrifiguration libre typique exhibee par les triplets ne conduit pas h une inhibition de la r6activitC du di-n-methane dans ce cas. On discute de ce point. On retrouve I'efficacitC du croisement intersystkme du rCactif phCnanthrylvinyl methane h partir de la sensibilisation de la phosphorescence du biacCtyle par le derive du phknanthrene h des concentrations variables de biacCtyle. Cette efficacitk est...