Diffraction anomalous ®ne structure (DAFS) experiments were applied to an epitaxially grown (Ga,In)P layer on a [001] GaAs substrate as a single-crystalline model substance. The requirements for the reliable measurement of re¯ection intensities as a function of photon energy, as well as the quantitative DAFS analysis resulting in the complex-valued ®ne-structure function of the scattering factor, are described. In the case of single crystals, effort had to be put into performing the DAFS measurements in order to hold the position of the Bragg re¯ection exactly during the energy scan. Using the zinc-blende-type structure as an example, it is shown for the ®rst time that, similar to singlecrystal structure analysis, the lack of inversion symmetry has a signi®cant impact on the DAFS signal, so that DAFS may contribute to structure analysis as well.