Abstract. We propose to integrate diffractive axicons into solar cells as a light trap for increasing of light absorbing efficiency. Experimental work and numerical simulations are provided in this paper. The experimental measurements of light-to-electricity conversion efficiency are conducted using a laser with tunable wavelength.Keywords: solar cell, diffraction grating, axicon, light trapping.
IntroductionThe latest days increasing of efficiency and decreasing of the cost can be noticed in the solar power engineering development. It is providing a significant growth of photovoltaic energy production and solar cells manufacturing [1,2]. Thus, solar cells efficiency increasing methods development is a relevant problem at present. There are two problem classes of light-to-electricity conversion efficiency. The first is the problem of efficiency increasing of light transportation to an active semiconductor (optical efficiency problem). And the second one is the problem of efficiency increasing of the delivered light conversion into electric current (quantum efficiency problem).There is a review in the paper [3] where basic methods of optical efficiency increasing problem solving are shown. Among the mentioned methods we can emphasize a method which consists of using of additional optical elements and devices such as mirrors and diffractive and refractive optical elements for high-performance concentration and delivering of light towards a solar cell. This approach makes it possible to decrease the cost of electric energy generation due to significant decreasing the solar element area [4,5]. After analysis of optical efficiency increasing methods we can conclude that the integration of diffractive gratings and solar cells is the inexpensive and appropriate approach to efficient solar cells manufacturing.