427and 26% for the (220) structure factors of the copper data. Because of the restriction rc,,* > rMo* it is clearly impossible to obtain a self-consistent interpretation of the combined copper and molybdenum data without taking the Rorrmann effect into account.It is a most surprising result to find such a high degree of perfection (as illustrated by the large values for r and g) for a crystal which has been ground into a sphere. The pure extinction effect is very great for both radiations firstly because r* is large, and secondly because of the simplicity of the structure which allows F~/V to be very large for many reflections. For the same two reasons, with the additional condition ¢t0R>l, the Borrmann effect becomes very great for the copper data.The good agreement between theory and experiment suggests that the intensity formula presented in the preceding paper is satisfactory even for extreme conditions of extinction. However, further experimental tests of the theory are needed. Gem opals were examined in an optical diffractometer and found to give several types of diffraction pattern which are interpreted by analogy with conventional three-dimensional X-ray theory to give the structure of the opal. The results show that the spherical silica particles in opals are arranged hexagonally in layers which are usually stacked randomly. In some specimens there are parallel domains of ordered packing, commonly in a f.c.c, sequence and sometimes in a h.c.p, sequence. Although the silica particles cannot be resolved by optical microscopy, bands parallel to the layers and fringes across the bands can be seen in images with the diffracted light.